Our Approach to Teaching and Learning
Every child is entitled to high quality teaching and learning. We believe that every child should: derive satisfaction from a sense of achievement; develop interest and motivation in their work; have confidence in their ability to work at an appropriate level; receive a curriculum which is broad and balanced; have equality of access to the curriculum; experience a range of teaching methods; be involved in both integrated and subject-specific activities; work individually and as a member of a group; have their progress monitored and recorded; and experience lessons where there is a purposeful atmosphere and respect between adults and children. We believe that children should have a role in planning and organising their learning. We involve them in decision-making from a very early stage. All children are encouraged to evaluate their own work and suggest improvements. Our teachers promote high expectations and they employ a range of teaching-styles. Teachers work together to plan high quality lessons enabling children to learn a range of skills, knowledge, concepts and attitudes. We recognise the role of work carried out at home and we are very grateful for the support of parents.